My LUVly Journey
Me dropping off my first order Sept 2011 - Bella Sante - Newbury St. Boston, Ma
I first started my business back in 2011. I was at a party in Brooklyn, drinking wine and feeling fabulous, and I was introduced to a couple of women that complimented me on my skin. I told them my skin secret, and one of them told me to package and sell it. I have always wanted to start my own business, and I thought it was an amazing idea. I wondered why I didn’t think of that sooner!
The very next day, I went to all types of stores like Ricky's, Walgreens, even Henri Bendel, and noticed there was nothing like it. I immediately thought to myself, I need to do this. I've always wanted to start my own business and it was something I was passionate about. This was a perfect idea for it. I have used it every day since my mom introduced it to me. It just made sense.
I started to go to work on this idea right away. I was given the idea to pitch it to a spa in Boston, MA and I did just that. I followed up with them, and three weeks later, they wanted to sell it in their three locations in Boston. I couldn't believe it. I had no product, no packaging, no name or business plan. All that I had was a great idea. I'm so thankful for all my friends that I bugged every day to help me with finding a name. We settled on LUV SCRUB because I love it. It is the perfect name that encompasses the brand’s true identity.
I successfully launched my business at the spas I pitched to. It was quickly picked up at other spas and also sold to direct customers. It was an amazing time, but something felt like it was missing. I ended up taking a much-needed break a few months later. However, I couldn't stop thinking about this idea. Then after five years, I decided not to go back to work and to come back stronger than ever with a plan, beautiful packaging, and a high-quality product.
In December 2016, I relaunched LUV SCRUB, and three months later, we were featured in Yahoo Beauty. The word got out very quickly around the world, and the rest is history. I feel so proud when I think about my journey. I still can’t believe all the LUV we have received, even being called the "New Loofah" by People Magazine and also winning Allure's Best of Beauty Award 2020. Can you believe this amazing African beauty secret is sold at Ulta, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdales?! It is kind of wild.
I am so thankful to everyone that has come along this amazing journey with me. My family, friends, team, and my amazing customers. Thank you to everyone for believing in ME and my vision.
Never give up, and always believe in yourself.
Much LUV
Caroline Founder/Smooth Operating Officer