Do You Wash Your Legs In The Shower?

You know what they say: you learn something new every single today. Today we learned that not everyone washes their legs in the shower. 


In 2019, the Internet went crazy when a Twitter poll from the user @Arpwell asked if people washed their legs in the shower. Taylor Swift added to the debate when she was on the Ellen Show and said (and I quote): “Shaving cream is like soap, right?”.  

No, Taylor. Shaving cream is not soap. Low and behold, many other people came forward to say that they don’t exactly wash their legs in the shower, either: they simply let the soap from the rest of their body run down their legs. 

Those on the non-leg washer side argue that their legs aren’t exposed when they are wearing pants, so what’s the point in physically scrubbing their legs clean when they weren’t dirty in the first place. 

Washing your legs is a super important step in your shower routine to be clean and feel clean. 

The whole purpose of showering is to remove dirt, oil, dead skin and bacteria from your skin. During the day, you are moving around, working out and exposing yourself to all kinds of dirt and bacteria. While your legs are arguably not as dirty as say your hands or your arms, it is still important to make sure your entire body is clean if you want to have killer skin. Dead skin accumulates all over your body, and by removing it you are helping your skin keep those pores unclogged.  

While your pants can be a protective shield to the outside world in the colder months, the warmer months are a completely different story.

During warmer months, you’re more likely to be applying sunscreen and sweating more all over your body. Getting rid of all of the extra products and extra sweat is important to prevent clogged pores and blemishes. 

Not only will this ensure clearer skin, it will also help during the hair removal process. Particles on the skin prevent hair removal from working to the best of its ability. It is hard for a razor, wax or any other hair removal treatment to remove your hair as close to the root as possible if there is dirt and oil on your skin. Prepping your skin for hair removal with a proper wash and exfoliation will help avoid pesky ingrown hairs and razor burns that are in the way of your smoothest, sexiest skin. 

Not to mention, clean skin leaves the perfect canvas for moisturizer—which will ensure glowing, sexy skin.  

So, this leaves one question: do you wash your legs in the shower? 

I think you already know our answer. 

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