Caroline Ansah Caroline Ansah

LUV SCRUB is an authentic African net sponge with roots in Ghana, West-Africa. If you’re looking for African exfoliating nets but can’t seem to find the real deal - look no further than this mesh body exfoliator.

The Authentic African Bath Sponge AKA Sapɔ

I always say, “Toss the loofah, thank us later,” but did you know that Ghana’s official first bath tool was originally very similar to a loofah? This bath tool is called Sapɔ (pronounced Sapo). The use of the original African Loofah, aka Sapɔ, dates back centuries and was used way before our magical mesh that we call LUV SCRUB Mesh Body Exfoliator. The meaning of Sapɔ in Ghana is used for anything that is used to take a bath or clean oneself. It is made from a stringy bark-like material that grows from a tree. There are several trees that grow this special loofah-like African bath sponge. A few of the trees are called Bekye, Abaapee, and Ntwetwehoma. These trees grow only in rural parts and not in the city. My Dad said that growing up, he would see these beautiful trees growing next to my grandfather’s cocoa farm near Biniani (outside of Kumasi).

The original Sapɔ was loved by many of my fellow Ghanaians and was a staple before the nylon African mesh bath cloth was introduced in the seventies. Believe it or not, this African mesh exfoliator is newer and has not been used for centuries, as some have claimed. Hence, we at LUV SCRUB state that it has been used for generations. How do I know this? My parents used the original Sapɔ growing up and started using the African mesh cloth once they arrived in the United States. How it was discovered is still a mystery. According to my Dad, someone used the mesh cloth out of the blue and realized it was a great way to clean your skin; the rest is history. It’s that simple. I was around the age of five when my Mom handed the mesh cloth to me in 1982.

There was a lot to love about the original African loofah. Sapɔ cleans and exfoliates the skin well, and it’s a plus that it is natural from a tree.   It comes in different shades, light and dark “toasted.” Despite its natural form, it is long-lasting and dries fast due to the hot temperatures in Ghana. With these great benefits, there is also a downside. With time, the stringy bark clogged the plumbing, which caused a lot of issues for septic systems. It worked well for people who lived in rural areas and villages that did not have the sophisticated septic systems that you would find in more modern areas. So when the cloth was introduced in the early seventies, it was easy for my fellow Ghanaians to transition. The African mesh cloth overall has so many benefits. It lasts longer than Sapo, and you can reach your back with ease. Meanwhile, you need to ask someone to scrub your back with Sapɔ.

My Dad in the early seventies when he first started using the African Mesh Cloth to take his bath/shower.

The original Sapɔ is still available today, but not at the scale (it’s almost extinct) that it was before. Also, you can’t beat the mesh. It’s magic. My Dad recommends if you decide to purchase the original Sapo, purchase it with caution due to the issue of it clogging your drain. Also, the temperature might be challenging to fully dry, which can breed bacteria if damp/wet. Don’t forget you will need help washing your back.

I hope you enjoyed this history lesson on the Sapɔ, aka the original African Loofah. Let us know if you want to learn more about African beauty history.

Disclaimer: This is based on the experience of my parents, who were born and raised in Kumasi, Ghana, and are a part of the Ashanti tribe. I can not speak for any other countries.

More LUV SCRUB Blogs For You:

LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).

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Caroline Ansah Caroline Ansah

LUV SCRUB lasts 18 months on average. This doesn’t mean you have to throw it out though. There are a few differences between reusing, repurposing, and recycling your African bath sponge.

Reusing vs Repurposing vs Recycling

We’ve all been told that reusing, repurposing, and recycling are simple ways that we can be more environmentally friendly in our own homes. However, when the three terms are used interchangeably, they can become a little confusing. All three terms are important, but it’s also important to know what they mean and how they are different.


Reusing is defined as using a product or an item for its original use but in a new place or way. There are many different benefits to reusing products. Reusing can help you save money that you otherwise would use to buy a new product. Reusing products also prevents excess waste from ending up in a landfill. Landfills contribute to air pollution, so preventing waste from

ending up in landfills improves our overall air quality. It also doesn’t have to be you who is doing the reusing! Donating clothes or other products to thrift stores, material exchanges, or reuse centers still counts as reusing the product and is much better than throwing these products in the garbage. Reusing is often confused with repurposing. However, repurposing involves using a product for something other than what it was originally intended for, while reusing refers to either using a product for its original use or a new one.


As stated previously, repurposing means to give a new use or “purpose” to.

Repurposing can also be used interchangeably with the word “upcycling”. While repurposing is different from reusing, they both have similar benefits. Repurposing also keeps products from going to landfills, which, again, improves overall air quality. Similarly again to reusing, repurposing saves money. There are many examples of ways you can repurpose products. Simply googling the word “repurpose” gives you images and articles all about the ways people have used products for other things besides their intended use. Some specific examples of repurposing include using old tops as cleaning or dusting rags, using old glass jars as vases or as a way to serve drinks, and using old newspapers or magazines as litter box liners, firestarters, or wrapping paper!


Recycling is likely the most known term of the three. Recycling is defined as passing again through a series of changes or treatments. These treatments can include natural processes of biochemical degradation or modification. Items that can be recycled include cardboard, paper, plastic containers, aluminum, glass, cartons, textiles, as well as many other items. However, there are several rules as to how these items should be recycled, so many times, they are not recycled correctly. While the rules for recycled items vary by area or neighborhood, generally, the recycled items must be clean, dry, and free of any grease or food residue. The benefits of recycling are also similar to the benefits of reusing and repurposing. Recycling keeps specific items out of landfills, and it also helps to conserve resources like wood, water, and minerals.

Recycling, repurposing, and reusing all have a vital role in achieving sustainability. Understanding each term and differentiating them can help the everyday person become more environmentally conscious. Knowing ways that we can recycle, reuse, and repurpose our products instead of simply throwing them away can help everyone be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

More LUV SCRUB Blogs For You:

LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).

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Caroline Ansah Caroline Ansah

Testimonial of Sydney B’s first time using LUV SCRUB Mesh Body Exfoliator. Unlike other African net sponges, LUV SCRUB is a much more elevated and rewarding bathing experience.

My First Time With


Written by Sydney B

When I first heard of LUV SCRUB and all of the rave reviews the product had, I thought, how could a shower product be this good? Before that, I’d never used an African exfoliating net or even thought about the fact that I should be enthusiastic about the products I am using to clean and exfoliate in the shower, let alone if they were truly benefiting my skin. This is how many people's LUVly journeys begin. Upon usage, they’re introduced to the many benefits that scrubbing yourself sexy will do for their skin. I know I was pleasantly surprised!

First Impression

The first thing I noticed about LUV SCRUB was of course the gorgeous packaging and vibrant color. I opted for the shade Summer Shower, a beautiful mint green color, made with non-toxic dyes. I also picked up the shade Clean Slate, which is a cool gray color. These both perfectly matched the aesthetic of my bathroom and only got me more excited to test out the product!


I was in awe of the unique texture of the mesh body exfoliator, which only excited me even more. Now, looking back at my loofah and shower poof days, I realize that the plastic-like texture of my shower tools was doing absolutely nothing for my dry skin. However, right when I unboxed my LUV SCRUB, I could tell it would do a much better job not only cleaning my skin but exfoliating it as well. 

Shower Time

Now comes the exciting part… my first time using LUV SCRUB! Immediately in the shower, I could feel that I was getting the best exfoliation. In the past, I’d only ever used loofahs and sugar scrubs to exfoliate, but this was nothing like it! I felt so clean after scrubbing and I was finally able to fully reach my back! I may not have seen specific results after the first usage, but I felt them. Following my luxurious shower, I moisturized with my favorite body lotion and hopped into my clean bed sheets, feeling like a million dollars.

It Really Works

After just a few days of using the LUV SCRUB, I began to not only feel the benefits but see them as well. I have struggled with all sorts of skin issues from simple dryness to visible keratosis pilaris on the back of my arms. However, after just two months of using LUV SCRUB daily, I’ve noticed that both of these issues are barely noticeable anymore. I’ve also noticed that the freshly shaven clean and smooth feeling I get after removing hair on my legs (you know, the kind that makes your sheets feel like silk) lasts for days rather than just one night! 

I can’t wait to see more benefits of my LUV SCRUB as time goes on! One thing is for sure though, I will surely continue to tell people about my amazing beauty secret and ask how their first time was!

More LUV SCRUB Blogs For You:

LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).

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Caroline Ansah Caroline Ansah

Here are five must-do skincare routine practices to ensure your skin is healthy and clean.

5 Must-Do’s For Your Skincare Routine

Clean skin is glowing skin. One component of the skincare routine most people don’t think about is making sure that you’re being as hygienic as possible. From head to toe, here’s how to makesure you’re staying as squeaky clean as possible.

1. Check Your Expiration Dates

When do you throw your favorite products away? You may be thinking that’s an easy question, never or as soon as they run out. Unfortunately, some skincare, beauty, and makeup products have frequent expiration dates that should be kept in mind. For example, the shelf life of most mascara products is only 3 months. Even if it’s still up and running, it’s not worth risking the possible infection. Toss it and replace it to look and feel as fresh as you can.

2. Make Sure Your Bathroom Has Ventilation

Do you love relaxing after a long day in a hot steamy shower, or lathering up in a nice warm bath? Us too. One thing that’s important to consider is the ventilation aspect of your bathroom, or how much airflow is flowing in and out during your cleansing routine. This will help preventmold or even just soapy buildup from creating in your bathroom. So next time you’re relaxing for the day, pop open a window after your shower or keep the fan running to maintain your bathroom oasis.

3. Ditch the Loofah

You heard it here first: your loofah is not getting you as clean as you think. Since loofahs have lots of small crevices, bacteria can build up quickly and lead to a mold issue. Imagine cleaning your body with something that has mold built in. It’s recommended to replace your loofah every 4 to 6 weeks, which can get costly. It’s time: let go of your loofah and embrace the LUV SCRUB, which lasts up to 18 months, making it the more sustainable option.

4. Wash Your Linens Once a Week

One of the easiest ways to keep your skin fresh and glowing is to wash your linens once a week. From your pillowcase that you lay down on every night to your towel that you pat yourself dry with, nothing in your space touches your skin more. By keeping these fresh and clean, you ensure your skin won’t have any clogged pores from dirt buildup.

5. Try Steam In Your Skincare To Open Pores

We love a spa day to unwind and relax, but unfortunately, we can’t make it there weekly. That’s why we love incorporating key elements of a facial into our skincare routine. A facial steamer set on low can help open up your pores, so they will help absorb your skincare products better and get a deeper clean. You can also try using the steam from your shower before you wash your face for a relaxing effect.

At the end of the day, there’s nothing that feels better than a deep clean on every inch of you.

With these tips, you’ll have your best glowing skin yet.

More LUV SCRUB Blogs For You:

LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).

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