5 Exfoliation Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

There are a lot of myths floating around that can make your exfoliation process not so effective. That’s why we’re here to debunk them and give you tips to achieve the smoothest skin possible.

Myth #1: Your Face is the Only Place you Need to Exfoliate

First things first, it’s not just facial skin that needs extra LUV– your whole body benefits from exfoliation. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and you don’t want to leave any part of it out. Your arms, legs, back, feet, even behind your ears!

Dead skin, clogged pores, acne, and other issues aren’t exclusive to the skin on your face. Exfoliation from head to toe will help create that perfect smooth canvas and remove any dirt that builds up on your skin throughout the day. If you ever experience bumps on your skin after shaving or waxing your legs and bikini line, it may be from a lack of exfoliation.

Dead skin cells get trapped and lead to ingrown hairs. That’s why exfoliating your body is so important before any hair removal techniques.

Myth #2: The More Abrasive, the Better.

You’ve probably heard this a couple of times in your life when it comes to skincare: “It stings, so that must mean it’s working!” Uh, no. Your exfoliation routine should never end with painful, irritated skin. Everyone is different, which means everyone’s exfoliation process is different. So, if you have more sensitive skin, you may need to apply less pressure when physically exfoliating or exfoliate less often than someone with another skin type. This myth also applies to DIY scrubs that many people opt for. You may want to think twice about using super abrasive exfoliation methods, such as walnut scrub. If your scrub has irregular bits and pieces, it can cause microtears, leading to many skin issues.

Myth #3: Only Exfoliate if you Have Dry Skin.

Next, it’s important to debunk the idea that only those with dry skin need to exfoliate. No matter your skin type, a lack of exfoliation can cause dull and problematic skin. Those with oily or combination skin may be more prone to clogged pores and acne–so they’re not off the hook! Your skin will thank you for it.

Myth #4: Moisturizer is Optional After Exfoliating.

While exfoliation is the best way to achieve the smoothest skin imaginable, following it up with skin hydration is crucial. An effective exfoliating process will remove all the dead skin and oil that clogs pores, and it’s important to hydrate afterward. It would be best to moisturize after exfoliating your skin to keep it nourished and protected. Your choice of moisturizer is totally your own; applying oils or lotions is perfect for achieving smooth skin after exfoliating.

Myth #5: Only Exfoliate Before Bed.

The last myth we’re busting is that you should only exfoliate your body at night. What time you exfoliate is based on personal preference– morning, night, or afternoon, it’s up to you! The sun being up or down will not affect how your skin feels after your exfoliation routine. A good best practice is always following up with your favorite moisturizer

and sunscreen to ensure your skin is protected and reap all the benefits. So, whether you prefer to scrub in the AM or PM is up to you!

It’s time to leave these myths in the past and have a future of smooth, clean skin.

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LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).