How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Sustainable

Here at LUV SCRUB, we’re all about sustainability. We only get one planet, and we’re always looking for ways to protect it. Our beauty routines are a big part of our self-care, and it’s important to bring sustainability to beauty as well. Read on to find ways to incorporate sustainability to your beauty routine and channel beauty from the inside out.

Use Refillable Bottles

One of our easiest tips is to try refillable bottles for any shower gels or even hair products. Ideally, it will be a plastic-free bottle in order to limit the amount of plastic used. This can also help create a more uniform look across your bathroom products and a more relaxing vibe. We especially love putting our favorite products in refillable bottles when we’re traveling, on the go, or in our gym bag.

Try Reusable Products

The beauty industry is rapidly expanding, and there are always new products on the market to try. One way you can easily make your routine more sustainable is to try one new reusable product every month. Some reusable products include bath bars, reusable cotton pads, deodorant bars, and more.

Try Shopping More Sustainable Brands

The beauty industry has so many options, and that’s why we love it. It’s easy to find a routine and stick to it, but one of the most fun parts of self-care is that you can try new things at any time. There are lots of brands that are becoming more sustainable in their practices. We love trying one new sustainable beauty product a month in order to slowly incorporate it into our routine. Who knows, it could become your new favorite.

Make Your Favorite Products Last Longer

When it comes to making your favorite products last even longer, LUV SCRUB has your back (and front). Your favorite body wash will last much longer with the help of the LUV SCRUB. It creates a rich lather, so you need to use less and purchase less. It’s a win/win for sustainability and your wallet.

Recycle Or Swap Product

Almost done with your favorite hand cream or oil? Make sure you get all the way to the bottom of the jar, and then make sure to recycle the container it came in. You can even clean the container out all the way and use it in a different way. For example, we love cleaning out our prettiest candle jars and using them to hold smaller delicate bathroom items, like Q-tips. Try a new beauty product that you didn’t love? You can always gift it to a friend or family member (with the disclaimer that it has been opened and tried). Another fun way to be more sustainable is to host a beauty swap party. Get all your favorite beauty lovers together and swap any products that you are willing to give up. Just make sure to give it a quick clean, especially with eye products, to avoid any potential infection.

At the end of the day, sustainability and going more green isn’t about giant leaps, it’s about small changes. If we all commit to making small changes, we can work together to protect the planet that gives so much to all of us. Starting small and implementing sustainable changes in your beauty routine will help you glow on.

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LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).