PSA: The Skin On Your Body Needs LUV Too

Skincare is so important (hello-- your skin is your largest organ). We’ve noticed that a lot of people have killer skincare routines. From cleanser to toner to moisturizer, you do it all. But let’s not forget that your skin on your body needs an incredible skincare routine, too and we’ve noticed that a lot of people neglect this. 

We know it can be easy to forget about your skin from your neck down, but by spending a little bit more time on all of your skin, you can have a killer full-body skincare routine. Your skin will thank you—trust us.  


We’ve said it a million times, but we’ll say it again: exfoliation is key. There are so many incredible benefits from exfoliation: less ingrown hairs, reduced body acne, even skin tone, and unclogged pores, just to name a few. Ashy elbows and knees can be eliminated by exfoliation, and hair removal can be a lot less miserable when you have a smooth, even canvas. By exfoliating regularly, your skin will look and feel fresh and healthy.

We exfoliate our face… so why don’t we exfoliate the rest of our body?

Not only does exfoliating have amazing pros, it feels absolutely incredible. Nothing is more satisfying than exfoliating your entire body. You deserve to feel fresh, clean and sexy from your head to your toes. Who doesn’t want that? 

Moisturizer is the perfect (and arguably most important) post-exfoliation treatment. The same reasons why moisturizer is important for your face applies to the skin on your body. By keeping your skin nice and moisturized after you exfoliate, you can lock in all of those amazing benefits we were talking about all while keeping your skin hydrated and soft. 

Don’t forget to moisturize your hands and your feet—especially with everything going on in the world right now. Hand sanitizer and soap (while important) can dry out your skin. Moisturizing your hands is the easiest way to prevent dry, cracking skin.

Body oil is a great way to amp up your body skin routine. It is a major fighter against dry skin and absorbs quickly into your skin, leaving a hydrated and smooth surface. Think of how amazing your face feels after applying a face oil. Wouldn’t that dewiness look amazing on your entire body?

Next time you plan on changing up your skincare routine, consider treating your body to some new products and some extra TLC. 

Being a Smooth Operator is a lifestyle. Indulge in a full-body skincare experience—you deserve it.  

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LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).