Eco-Friendly Is Sexy

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By now, we all know the importance of being more eco-friendly. Having sexy skin and keeping the environment beautiful can go hand in hand—especially when you make the conscious decision to change up your skincare routine to more eco-friendly options. 

The fashion industry is known to be one of the major polluters in the world, but there hasn’t been much research on the beauty industry and its connections to pollution. But think about it: with skincare products comes packaging, plastic bottles, waste and the frequent need to repurchase products when they are empty. All of this definitely adds up (financially AND waste-wise), but there are simple things you can do to do your part to help the environment—without giving up your skincare routine. 

We got you, Smooth Operators:


One of the easiest ways to make your skincare routine more eco-friendly is by using reusable products. The LUV SCRUB only needs to be replaced every 18 months, compared to the loofah (don’t worry, we won’t go on an anti-loofah rant just yet) which should be replaced every three to four weeks. 

As environmental concerns become more and more prominent, many brands have been incorporating refillable skincare products. The vitamin industry has been killing it with their refillable bottles—which means taking your hair, skin and nail vitamins just got a whole lot eco-friendlier. 



Thinking about all of the empty containers of skincare products we’ve thrown out legitimately makes us cringe. It’s so easy to have so much waste when we are using our products every single day. The best way to combat extra waste is by purchasing bigger containers of your products. 

There’s also a good chance that you’re using more products than you need (PSA: we are all guilty of this). For a lot of skincare products, a little goes a long way. Try using a smaller amount of your products to make the bottle last a lot longer. You’d be surprised how much longer your bottle lasts if you use your products more sparingly—in some cases, you’ll be able to double or even triple the life of your products. 


See? Keeping your skin sexy and smooth while being eco-friendly is possible. You don’t have to give up your amazing skincare routine completely. A few changes can make a huge difference—trust us. 

More LUV SCRUB Blogs For You:

LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).