5 Ways to Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Life

Here at LUV SCRUB, we’re all about self-care. We’re big believers in the stance that you can’t fully take care of others until you take care of yourself. That being said, we know how easy it is to let your schedule fill up and forget about unwinding. That’s why we wanted to provide a few of our favorite tips to help you feel like your best self in no time.

1. Taking A Bath

This one may be the most obvious thing you think of when self-care[ comes to mind: taking a bath. While it may be a way to get clean, it’s also ideal to make it into a whole experience. The first place to start: decorating your bathroom like an oasis. When it looks like a relaxing spa, you’ll want to spend more time there. Then put your phone in do not disturb mode, play your favorite music, and even light a few candles for ambiance. Don’t forget your LUV SCRUB in the bathtub for the most luxurious lather on your skin. It’s practically a spa treatment in itself.

2. Taking Care of Your Mind By Disconnecting

At the end of the day, your mental health should come above everything else. Making sure to take time for just yourself and your thoughts will make you feel much more at peace. We enjoy your time on social media, but also try to make sure not to get too sucked in and take some time away from it. Taking just an hour away from your phone at the end of the night can do wonders for being kind to your mind.

3. Repotting Your Plants

We’re big fans of plants as self-care. It helps us relax to see beautiful green things decorating our space. Plants also remind us of self-growth and the ability to start fresh at any moment. That’s why we consider repotting our plants self-care. When you tend to the leafy things in your space, you’re making room to slow down for yourself as well.

4. Organizing Your Space and Getting Rid of Old Things

This may seem like a chore, but trust us it’s for your own good. There’s something to be said about cleaning your space and making sure everything is exactly where it should be. Whether

you’re cleaning your closet or your kitchen, go through all the items you own and make sure that they serve a purpose. You may find that getting rid of that sweater from five years ago will help

clear your mind. Then you can surround yourself with only things that you currently love.

5. Catching Up With A Friend and Laughing

Life gets busy, and sometimes we aren’t able to maintain our friendships the way that we would like to. When things get crazy, it’s easy to want to isolate yourself but surrounding yourself with people you love will lift you up in the long run. Make a point to call an old friend this month that you would want to reconnect with, or someone that you just haven’t made as much time for.

There’s nothing better than laughing with a friend and creating new memories.

There’s so many ways to take care of yourself. No matter what you choose, make sure to prioritize your self-care time. You can even treat it like a date with yourself and mark it on your

calendar. Taking downtime will make every area of your life better. It will not only help with self-love, you may even find yourself spreading the LUV to everyone else as well.

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LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).