Why Exfoliation Helps Make Your Tattoos Last

Tattoos are an amazing act of self-expression. What other way can you literally have works of art on your body? Often, tattoos are meaningful and can remind you of important times in your life. Sometimes, they’re even just for fun or to take a walk on the wild side. If you’ve joined the ranks of the tatted babes, you’re probably wondering how to keep your gorgeous works of art looking their best for years to come (since they are forever). No worries LUV, we’ve got you covered.

Read on to find out how to make your tattoos look their best.

Drink your H20

You know we’re big fans of hydration over here, so this should come as no surprise. Want to look glowing from the inside out? You already know the answer babe. Chug that water. It will make your skin look amazing all over, and make your gorgeous tat pop on your skin. Try an insulated water bottle with a straw to keep your water icy cold all day long (it works for us!).

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

The best way to get rid of dead skin and start fresh? Exfoliate! Your skin will be silky smooth to the touch, and that applies to your tattoo too. We love a good exfoliating scrub as often as daily to get rid of all that buildup. Just make sure not to rub too hard on your handiwork to keep it looking its best. You got this, smooth operator.

Wear Your SPF

We can’t stress this enough: sun protection is so important to your skin, especially to your tattoos. Not only do UV rays harm your skin, they can make your tattoo fade much faster. Make sure to spray yourself down with SPF 15 or higher before heading out into the sun for the best results.


Now that your skin is looking all glowy, let’s keep it that way! Moisturizing is essential to your skincare routine and it will keep your artwork looking stunning. Think of it this way: any step in your skincare routine on your face should also go on your body as well (and we know you’re not skipping moisturizer on your face). Try a light lotion mixed with body oil for a sensual glow that will showcase your tats.

Try A Tattoo Balm

When it comes to tattoo fading, you may think just simple lotion is the way to go. There are actually specially made tattoo balms that will keep your tattoo looking as vibrant as day one. Just a small dab rubbed in evenly will make it look just as stunning as on day one.

Take Time For Self Care

You’re probably wondering what self-care has to do with tattoo care, and the answer is everything. When you’re stressed and tired, it shows up on your skin. How many times have you gone out the night before only to be treated to bags under your eyes the next day? Make sure to take time for you and to unwind. Your skin and your tattoo will thank you.

At the end of the day, tattoo care is very similar to skincare with a few extra steps. With just a few small tweaks, your tattoos will be looking their best for years to come. Just make sure to take care of yourself LUV and your tats will thank you.

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LUV SCRUB is the original mesh body exfoliator. An enhanced version of the authentic African net sponges used for generations. Shop for yours here and say hello to smoother, softer skin. Tell your friends! (You can thank us later).